Steve Croskey grew up loving the Beatles and good music of all sorts. He made his mark on the Catholic music world by writing some of the most awe-inspiring music his contemporaries had ever heard. His songs made you stop… listen… cry… pray… listen… dance… kneel… raise your hands… listen… listen…. listen… People are still listening!

Steve left us all to soon, in 1994. His wife Melanie, and kids, David, Daniel and Thaddeus are all doing great. They all live in the Phoenix area today. We wanted to provide a site to celebrate Steve. We also wanted to provide a place to provide an outlet for his music. People are Googling his name all the time; looking for his music. You can find it here! We will provide you ways to get CD’s, and ways to get his sheet music too. If there is something you need, drop us an email and we will do our best to help you out.